Elle se prononce contre la peine de mort pour des crimes liés aux drogues et combat les traitements forcés et dégradants contrevenant aux droits humains. De plus, elle réclame de la souplesse dans l'application des textes pour permettre le développement de projets pilotes novateurs sur le terrain. En effet, les villes suisses sont, aujourd'hui, à nouveau en mouvement sur la question des drogues et réfléchissent à de nouveaux modèles, notamment en matière de réglementation du marché.
Rencontre interministérielle de Haut Niveau - Déclaration de la Suisse
Mr. Chairman, Excellencies,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The international community is facing unprecedented challenges in the fight against drugs. Markets and patterns of consumption are changing ever more rapidly. Meanwhile progress in reducing supply and demand is limited.
The Member States have negotiated very hard to come to a consensus on the text we have in front of us today. Switzerland is aware of all the efforts that have been made. Nevertheless, my country is left feeling that some issues might have deserved more attention. In this regard we would like to highlight the following:
Here in Vienna we have the opportunity to review progress made with an open mind and a spirit of shared responsibility. It is time for an approach that includes all UN agencies that deal with the effects of the world drug problem. It is also time to consider drug policies that take people’s health and safety into account. Respecting and fostering the human rights of all people, including those who use drugs is an imperative.
Mr. Chairman, thank you.